While we may be in awe of Fortune 500 companies and the impact they have made in philanthropy, the vast majority of the U.S. is made up of small businesses – those with less than 500 employees. With over 50% of the working population working for a small business, it’s easy to see that their cumulative impact is vast.
As a small business, we believe that companies like ours have the power to change the world and put our collective power to good use, like philanthropy. There are many ways for small and medium-sized companies to give. And at Strategic Philanthropy, Inc., we like to practice what we preach. We put ourselves through the same exercise we put our clients through and narrowed down our giving so we could have the most impact.
We believe in knowing our strengths and knowing what we are capable of achieving. For us and for many businesses, it isn’t about just giving money, but instead a combination of time, talent, voice and dollars. If every small business gave a little towards making our community better, the world may in fact just be a little better place to be. Learn more about how Strategic Philanthropy is involved in our community.