Nipro Diagnostics Manufactures a Sweet Community-Relations Plan, PR News Top Case Studies, November 2013

Nipro Diagnostics Manufactures a Sweet (“but sugar free”) Community Relations Plan By: Kelly Alvarez Vitale  In 2012 corporate philanthropy, also referred to as community relations, accounted for six percent (or $18.97 billion) of the total giving in the U.S.  While corporate giants account for millions in community relations efforts, the vast majority of the U.S.…

Manufacturing a ‘Sweet’ Community Relations Plan Case Study, PR News, May 5, 2014

   Nipro Diagnostics Manufactures a Sweet (“but sugar free”) Community Relations Plan By: Kelly Alvarez Vitale  In 2012 corporate philanthropy, also referred to as community relations, accounted for six percent (or $18.97 billion) of the total giving in the U.S.  While corporate giants account for millions in community relations efforts, the vast majority of the…

Companies Reflect on Doing Good and Doing Well

With the recent release of Giving USA’s philanthropy report, which indicates that companies gave over $18 billion to charities in 2012, companies and nonprofits can reflect on all of the good work done by corporate philanthropy.  Instilling a culture of corporate philanthropy often takes time, however these three philanthropy initiatives show how companies have turned…

The Next Generation of Philanthropy: Engaging Millennials in Your Corporate Giving Efforts, PR News’ Corporate Social Responsibility Guidebook, July 2013

 The complex Millennial (also know as Generation Y) – the nonconforming 20-35 year old, tech-savvy, pop culture obsessed generation. They play by different rules and often times, want to create their own. To many they are frustrating, especially in the work force, but they are an untapped market with big potential. This generation of workers…

The New Generation of Service

Baby boomers, millennials, corporate employees, executives and students are responding to the national call for a new generation of service: Skilled-Based Volunteering (SBV). SBV is when company employees and/or individuals offer nonprofits their personal talents or professional competences to help organizations meet their demands. From the COO offering free strategic planning advice to the millennial…